Mon 1/29:
- Open to your aha connections page and complete the following statement. During our moon lab and the reason for the seasons we discovered that…
2. Return quizzes (re-take? see-me)
3. Reflection on Our Dynamic Universe (use aha connections page to help)
Summarizing of unit (left hand side
What we did:
What have you learned? How did your ideas/learning change
Questions that you still have?
(References: Aha Connections page, notes, activities etc..)
-How was the universe formed?
-Belief vs. science
-What is in our universe?
-What is our place in the universe
-How is our universe a dynamic changing place?
-How is life on Earth affected by the Universe?
-Ancient Astronomers,Constellations
Homework: Finish reflection!
Homework: Finish reflection!
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