Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday Jan 26th

Mon 1/29:
WU-    A little laugh for you..and to wake you up NFL bad lip reading compliments of Mrs. Koller

  1. Open to your aha connections page and complete the following statement.  During our moon lab and the reason for the seasons we discovered that…

     2.  Return quizzes (re-take?  see-me)
     3.  Reflection on Our Dynamic Universe (use aha connections page to help)
           Summarizing of unit (left hand side
What we did:
What have you learned? How did your ideas/learning change
Questions that you still have?
(References: Aha Connections page, notes, activities etc..)
-How was the universe formed?
-Belief vs. science
-What is in our universe?
           -What is our place in the universe
-How is our universe a dynamic changing place?
           -How is life on Earth affected by the Universe?

-Ancient Astronomers,Constellations

Homework: Finish reflection!

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