Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday Jan 29th

Thurs. 1/29
Wu- story of Earth from 48 to 1 hour.
  1. Finish timeline
  2. Timeline and video questions

No Homework

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday Jan 27th

Tuesday 1/27
Wu- Please open to your phases of the moon/seasons.  Let’s tape in your quiz from yesterday.  
-Also open to your summary when we walk by,

Mini-lesson How to use your resources aha connections page=Topic Sentence

  1. New Chapter set-up, Life, Heredity, Genetics
  2. New Aha connections page:  What does it mean to be living? Why is there such variety of life?
  3. story of Earth til 39 minutes
  4. Earth Timeline activity (intro and in class)

H.W. No Homework

Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday Jan 26th

Mon 1/29:
WU-    A little laugh for you..and to wake you up NFL bad lip reading compliments of Mrs. Koller

  1. Open to your aha connections page and complete the following statement.  During our moon lab and the reason for the seasons we discovered that…

     2.  Return quizzes (re-take?  see-me)
     3.  Reflection on Our Dynamic Universe (use aha connections page to help)
           Summarizing of unit (left hand side
What we did:
What have you learned? How did your ideas/learning change
Questions that you still have?
(References: Aha Connections page, notes, activities etc..)
-How was the universe formed?
-Belief vs. science
-What is in our universe?
           -What is our place in the universe
-How is our universe a dynamic changing place?
           -How is life on Earth affected by the Universe?

-Ancient Astronomers,Constellations

Homework: Finish reflection!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday Jan 20

WU- Return i-movie trailer grades

  1. Seasons review and handout for notes
  2. Moon Assessments for other house today. We will go to the PLL lab

H.W. Tape in handout (right side)

         5 question quiz on Thur (Moon movements/effects, seasons,)

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wednesday Jan 14th

Wu- Make a new notes page and title it
Moon’s effect on Earth (Right side)

Left Side:  You will answer these questions tonight:
  1. Why does the moon change phases?

    2.   How does the moon affect Earth?  How does it affect living things?  (Google this)
-Tape the moon phases in your notes

  1. Today, we are going try create these phases in our moon lollipop lab
  2. Phases of the moon worksheet, and eclipse worksheet
  3. Find info on how the moon affects things on Earth (be ready to report out to us) Homework:
#1 Tape phases of the moon in workbook (right side)
#2 Answer the following questions: (left side)
  -What causes the phases of the moon
-How does the moon affect living things on Earth AND how does it affect Earth?

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tuesday Jan 13th

Wu: Please open to your aha connections page and complete this statement….

The scientific Revolution has influenced today’s science by…..

  1. Happy Birthday Earth!
  2. Moon phases pre-test

Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday January 12th

Wu- Please open to your aha connections page, and complete this statement:
Trailer project showed us that the Earth is a dynamic universe by….

1. Group Sorting activity, formation of a planet
3. How did Earth from movie better narration til 10:20
4. Science Revolution work time

Science Revolution worksheet work time due Tuesday.

Friday January 9th

Same as Thursday

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Thursday January 8th

2.  The Science Revolution continued

H.W. sky logs and constellations due tomorrow
-You should be up to question #11 on the science revolution questions!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wed. January 7th

Wu- How about that big reflector in the sky last night!  Pretty cool when it was coming up!

1. Work on this today in class The Science Revolution

Here is the link you need

Homework:  Sky observation log due Friday and constellation packet

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tuesday January 6th

Monday January 5th
WU- Does this video mean anything different to you now? We are stardust

Housekeeping items:
  1. Sky Log reminder: Reminder 6 observations by Jan 9th.  Constellation packet due Jan 9th as well. quick sky review, it has been crystal clear (a little chilly) nights for stargazing! (that might have to do with the cold temperatures)
  2. Quizzes are in the gradebook
  3. Science extensions: Reminder due Jan 16th.
A.  Astronomy in our culture-Research and find product names that relate to Astronomy and a picture of the product (i.e. Eclipse Gum).   Explain the science term and concept it is related to.  Could be an online or paper poster. Should be able to find 15-20 products

B. Ameriprise/Einstein Science Fair-  Attend or present at the Ameriprise science fair in January and write a summary using the 5w’s  and explain what you did specifically and what you learned/enjoyed.  Pictures should be included.  More info can be found here.

C. Constellation Report-  Research a Constellation and create a poster or online poster (like the examples in class).  Here is a guide to help you.

D. Take the Jack Johnson song Constellations and find images that go along with the lyrics to create a song that has related lyrics.

E. Make extra observations in your sky log

4. Trailer grading, Trailer sheets please hand in.
5.  Specimen I collected over break will be handed to you at the end of the hour
6. Today’s activity (Dynamic universe) involves watching the trailers to gather evidence and reasoning.  Follow instructions on the sheet

H.W. Sky log and packet due Friday
Dynamic Universe worksheet
Make sure trailer is posted to blog (this was due before break!)