Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Monday Nov. 10

Monday Nov. 10th
Wu- Please open to your I wonder page.  Is there something that you wonder about?  I wonder…

Snow update

Please Take out:
  1. Your reflections
  2. Rough draft
  3. Editing paper
  4. Make sure they are all stapled together, make a pile at your table
  5. Reflection posted?
  6. Taste Test Packets due FRIDAY!

7.  I wonder statements….Maybe this video will help get the ball rolling….Power of wonder

So what does wonder have to do with what science is….
After watching these two videos try to come up with your own definition of science:

-Science is real

Science Definitions
Science is… A process of observation and experimentation used in studying and explaining the natural and physical world.  A key component is questioning and wondering….

So what do scientists do?  Does this look familiar? Visual of what do scientists do (add to Notes)
(what are some things on the visual that you have a questions about?)

-Helicopter lab

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