Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday Nov. 21

Friday Nov. 21st
WU- Wu-  What is up with the snow and cold? Check this out. They are measuring snow in feet, with some places getting 4 inches per hour!  Here are some more photos and check out the 2nd video on the page

#1- Collect paper towel lab
#1.5 Return graded items, and grade update
#2- Quick CER review  Smiles video along with rubric for Quiz

#3- Quiz

Have a great weekend and be safe in the woods!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday Nov. 20th

Thursday Nov. 20th
Wu-  What is up with the snow and cold? Check this out. They are measuring snow in feet, with some places getting 4 inches per hour!  Here are some more photos and check out the 2nd video on the page

#1- Quiz Friday (I embed the powerpoint to help!)
Things on the test-
  • Variables/independent/dependent/control,
  • Explanations (claims/evidence/reasoning),
  • parts of the sci process (procedure, material list) others etc...

#2-Return their Simpsons variables sheets, tape them in on the left side across from their variable notes. They can fold it in half or thirds to get it to fit.This should be assigned as H.W.  

#3- Paper towel lab, CER style!
Watch these videos to help with the activity (1st hour only)
2. Bounty

Thursday Nov. 20th Wu- What is up with the snow and cold? Check this out. They are measuring snow in feet, with some places getting 4 inches per hour! Here are some more photos and check out the 2nd video on the page #1- Quiz Friday Things on the test- Variables/independent/dependent/control, Explanations (claims/evidence/reasoning), parts of the sci process (procedure, material list) others etc... #2-Return their Simpsons variables sheets, tape them in on the left side across from their variable notes. They can fold it in half or thirds to get it to fit.This should be assigned as H.W. #3- Paper towel lab, CER style! Watch these videos to help with the activity (1st hour only) 1. Brawny 2. Bounty

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday Nov. 19th

Wednesday Nov. 19th
Wu-  Make a claim from this data. From the evidence given make a broad statement.

  1. case of missing meatballs..., what does a good meatball response look like (group activity and examples),hand in your response from yesterday place what number you think your response is most like on your paper and hand in.
  2. Paper Towel lab.. Write out all steps through the experiment design part. You will need to be ready to conduct the experiment when you walk into class.

H.W. Paper towel lab complete up to actually conducting the experiment

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday Nov. 18th

Tuesday Nov. 18th
WU- Please take out your taste test packet and make sure your name is on it, pile it at your table.

  1. Please take out your simpsons variable sheet, switch and correct with partner.
  2. Notes (CER)
  1. CER activity, case of missing meatballs (Individual then group)

H.W.  1.  Complete the in class work we started on the case of missing meatballs
Extra variable work if you need it

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday Nov. 17th

Monday Nov. 17th
W.U.  Please open to your sci. process notes.  On the left hand side of the variable notes respond to the following question:
Why is it important to only change 1 variable in an experiment?  
(Please use several sentences and include an example.)

  1. Sponge Bob variables update (Please be sure to have completed and checked answers which are posted on the blog)
  2. Simpsons Variables (work time)
  3. Slip or Trip Did the person slip or trip? What is the evidence? What is the reason you think this?
  4. Now What?  Explanation.. CER (Claims+Evidence+Reasoning)=Explanation

H.W. Simpsons Variables
Science process quiz Friday
Taste Test packet collection Tue.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday Nov. 13th

-Add observation/data analyzation to notes (get from classmate)

-Watched 20 minutes of the movie LIFE

#1  Finish Sponge Bob variables sheet here, Check answers here

#2 Another practice sheet in class Finish Sponge Bob variable #1 sheet here.  Check answers here

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday 11/12

Wed- November 12th
Wu- Open up to your Notes

Things to think about:

What do scientists do when Investigating?
What are variables and how do they affect an experiment?

  1. A few notes (in class powerpoint)
  2. Video put it to the test
  3. Helicopter lab group break out for data analyzation and write your Conclusion (statement, evidence, mistakes)
Variables, Sponge Bob style worksheet (Problem 1 done in class, problem 2 is H.W., back of sheet will be worked on in class Thur.)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Tuesday Nov. 11th

WU-  Some examples of questions that this Smithsonian website attempts to answer

  1. Helicopter lab…  Lets look at what problem/questions you are investigating…
  2. Conduct experiment, collect

H.W.- Add This note to your notes:

Monday Nov. 10

Monday Nov. 10th
Wu- Please open to your I wonder page.  Is there something that you wonder about?  I wonder…

Snow update

Please Take out:
  1. Your reflections
  2. Rough draft
  3. Editing paper
  4. Make sure they are all stapled together, make a pile at your table
  5. Reflection posted?
  6. Taste Test Packets due FRIDAY!

7.  I wonder statements….Maybe this video will help get the ball rolling….Power of wonder

So what does wonder have to do with what science is….
After watching these two videos try to come up with your own definition of science:

-Science is real

Science Definitions
Science is… A process of observation and experimentation used in studying and explaining the natural and physical world.  A key component is questioning and wondering….

So what do scientists do?  Does this look familiar? Visual of what do scientists do (add to Notes)
(what are some things on the visual that you have a questions about?)

-Helicopter lab

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday November 7th

Friday November 7th
Wu-  Please open to your aha connections page

  1. What are the two big questions we are investigating?
  2. After the completing the taste test, what statement boxes could we add to support what doing good science means/looks like...
  3. Peer editing
  4. Revise time
  5. Final hand in stapled together DUE MONDAY!:
1. Final printed copy
2. Edited marked up copy

3. Editing checklist completed and signed
Post to Blog due Monday!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thursday November

Thursday 11/4
WU- Please head to the Desert lab and log on.  Bring your printed reflection with you and highlighters/markers. Sit by a partner who you would like to peer edit with (hint:  Both of you must have your paper done)

Use this presentation to help
#1.  Edit individually (use sheet)
#2.  Peer Edit (use sheet)
#3.  Revise
#4.  Print your final paper and post to blog
#5. Staple in the following order:  
Final copy
Marked up copy
Edit checklist

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wednesday Nov 5th

Wu- Why do you think we did the taste test (hint: It wasn’t about your product)?  What did we learn about doing “Good” or any type of science through the taste test?

  1. Discussion of taste test process- where was the science and learning?
  2. Infographic discussion
  1. Here is a transition word list

Thursday in class we will:
  1. Edit it (use sheet), print it, peer editing (use sheet and close reading)
  2. Revise
  3. Print final and post

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tuesday 11/4

Tue 11/4
Wu- please have your notebook open to your green I wonder sheet while you watch the don’t take selfies with bears video

  1. Infographic Due Wednesday
-Embed it into your blog in html mode (we should this yesterday )
-Print it (In Edit mode, Click download-for print-JPEG (then download it and print), print at home if you want color or e-mail it to me.
-Embed to blog (In compose mode)

-Print a copy to bring to class on Wed.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday Nov. 3rd

Monday Nov. 3rd
Stay Standing, New Seating Chart!

Wu-  Why do we have Daylight saving time (Why did we change our clocks back on Sat night/Sunday Morning?)

  1. I wonder….. (tape this to the inside of your back cover of your notebook back by the warm ups)

Infographic and reflection Due Printed and embeded to blog by Tuesday