Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday October 27th

Monday October 27th
We need to do these items:
With Mr. Landers:
  1. Make a copy of the google form for your taste test
  2. See how the randomizer works with your experiment

With your group:
  1. Gather all materials
  2. Make a sign that states:
Preference:  Which one do you prefer?  OR which one do you like the best?
Triangular:  Which one is different?

  1. Make a sign that states all the ingredients in your products and alerts people to any allergies
  2. Write out procedures (in packet)
  3. Determine who is doing what during the taste test (in packet)
  4. Gather all materials and practice the taste test
  5. Place all materials in bag (products, randomizer etc..)
  6. Continue to fill out packet

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