Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday October 27th

Monday October 27th
We need to do these items:
With Mr. Landers:
  1. Make a copy of the google form for your taste test
  2. See how the randomizer works with your experiment

With your group:
  1. Gather all materials
  2. Make a sign that states:
Preference:  Which one do you prefer?  OR which one do you like the best?
Triangular:  Which one is different?

  1. Make a sign that states all the ingredients in your products and alerts people to any allergies
  2. Write out procedures (in packet)
  3. Determine who is doing what during the taste test (in packet)
  4. Gather all materials and practice the taste test
  5. Place all materials in bag (products, randomizer etc..)
  6. Continue to fill out packet

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Tue. 10.21

Tue. 10/21
Wu-  Make a statement about this graphic.

  1.  Let’s make a prediction (hypothesis) for our experiment.  If __________________ then _______________ and WHY do you think this?
  2. Calculating and Gathering of materials
-Bag to keep materials in
-Print out randomizer
-What are your responsible for bringing for Monday?  This form here can help.

  1. You should complete steps through #6T

Monday 10.20

Mon 10/20 Research Time Of companies
Wu-  What does this pie graph tell us?

  1. Reminder about choosing product
  2. Company Research Time
  3. Homework-Complete your section of the company information.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday October 16th

Thur 10/16

Guiding Question- How is data used to make decisions?
WU Compare your calculated population of fish with the actual population you counted, what do your numbers show you?

  1. How does data (specifically with wildlife populations) guide management decisions?  Because of this, this decision was made.
  2. Watch: How wolves change rivers  (Trophic Level: feeding position in a food chain),

Data collection is important in science in helping make decisions
0pt;"> -Wolves change the ecosystem by… (fill this in after watching the video)
Taste Test Project Intro….Choose a partner to work with and begin brainstorming products..

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Wednesday October 15th

How wolves change rivers  (Trophic Level: feeding position in a food chain)

  1. We know some populations need to be monitored and controlled:  How do scientists do that?
2. Fish Population Activity: Capture/Recapture

Tuesday October 14th

Tuesday October 14th
        Lake Michigan
How does the government/public/scientists monitor and control a population?

Read, analyze and summarize Asian Carp Article using this graphic organizer

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Monday October 13th

  1. Ecosystems/Food Web video
  2. Tangled Web Activity: WI lake food web
  3. What happens when an invasive species comes in?
  4. Collect Invasive Issues worksheet
  5. How wolves change rivers  (Trophic Level: feeding position in a food chain)

Image Source:

Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday October 10th

****Please have field notebook out while working*****
  1. Invasive Species Discussion
  2. Teacher Survey Click Here
  3. Egg Drop reflection work (see yesterday's notes below)
  4. Invasive Species work Information on invasive species: NOAA site, Wisconsin Sea Grant, WI DNR

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday October 9th

Thursday October 9th
WU: Whitefish Dunes Field Trip:
List one thing you learned/experienced yesterday that made an impression on you and one thing you wonder or that you are curious about from one of the stations.

  1. Look at your egg drop reflection, we will be taking that post and reworking it and putting a new improved post on your blog.
Use the following forms to help

  1. Did you follow the reflection instructions on pg. 7 in your science notebook (3 paragraphs etc..)
  2. This is a paper vs. just answering questions, it should flow
  3. Transition words used (Here is a list)?  Topic Sentences for each paragraph (Here is help), Attention Grabber to start paper.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday October 7th

WU:  Watch this video about Algae Dead Zones- Good video
Respond in warm-up:  What would be some ways to prevent phosphorus from entering our waters?

“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.”

  1. Watch first 7 minutes of benefits of a Wetland Bill Nye Wetlands
  2. Add to notecard Vocab: Invasive
  3. What are invasive species? NOAA site, Wisconsin Sea Grant site, Invasive species Video
  4. Invasive Activity- Begin invasive species activity by choosing an invasive you would like to learn more about.  Here is the handout.

Homework: Field Experience to Whitefish Dunes:
-What is needed
-What you will be doing

  1. Station Questions
  2. Parts of a Dune
  3. Poetry
  4. Zebra Mussel Data
  5. Write up instructions