Extra Credit Reminder!
A. Astronomy in our culture-Research and find product names that relate to Astronomy and a picture of the product (i.e. Eclipse Gum). Explain the science term and concept it is related to. Could be an online or paper poster. Should be able to find 15-20 products
B. Ameriprise/Einstein Science Fair- Attend or present at the Ameriprise science fair in January and write a summary using the 5w’s a and explain what you did specifically and what you learned/enjoyed. Pictures should be included. More info can be found here.
C. Constellation Report- Research a Constellation and create a poster or online poster (like the examples in class). Here is a guide to help you.
D. Take the Jack Johnson song Constellations and find images that go along with the lyrics to create a song that has related lyrics.
E. Make extra observations in your sky log
- Quiz Monday-
Astronomers (cards)
stars (lifecycle and HR diagram)
Big-Bang (Article)
Constellations (packet)
- Trailer work today.
1.Start on #2- Gather Info.
2. Then #3- How does your info show a dynamic or cycling/recycling Universe?
3. Then #1
4. Then Collect pictures
5. Then start putting your trailer together
H.W. Trailer due by the End of class Mon (30 minutes to work on it Mon)
Quiz Monday (see above)